

Phytochemical Support for Horses

UlcerAide™ is a potent blend of phytonutrients known for their value in assisting the body's natural digestive system, helping to combat infection & bacteria and relieve stress. With the increased stress horses experience today from traveling, competition, drug & chemical ingestion and poor feed, many horses are experiencing ulcer symptoms. Ulcer diagnosis seems to be ever increasing. Each ingredient in UlcerAide™ is chosen for its nutrient and phytochemical benefits, to help the body perform optimally and address the damage caused by chemical, viral, bacterial and stress related stomach ulcers. UlcerAide™ is formulated to give the body biologically active and potent nutrients that will help decrease acid production, coat the lining help destroy harmful bacteria in the gut and relax the digestive system. We use only the purest human grade ingredients, which have no chemical residues, and we do not use genetically modified or radiated ingredients. Stomach ulcers are serious and should be monitored closely by your veterinarian. Please call if you have any questions.

Ingredient Latin Name System Affected/Known Effect

Licorice Root Powder

Glycyrrhiza glabra

Anti-ulcer, circulatory, immune, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, digestive, respiratory

Marshmallow Root Powder

Althea officinalis

Digestive, urinary, emollient, demulcent, mucilaginous, bind and eliminate toxins, nutritive

Slippery Elm

Ulmus fulva

Digestive, mucilaginous, nutritive, absorbs toxins from bowel, regulates flora, soothes lining of bowel

Peppermint Leaf

Mentha piperita

Anti-spasmodic, digestive aid, circulatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer properties

German Chamomile

Anthemis noblis

Anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, circulatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, anti-ulcer


Calendula officinalis

Analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic, mucilage, digestive aid


Galium aparine

Nutritive, anti-spasmodic, alterative, tonic

UlcerAide™ comes in 4 lb environment-friendly, vacuum-sealed foil bags with a ½ cup scoop or a 12 lb bulk bucket.